Nature top tips for pension fund chairs and trustees
Managing nature risks and investing in the opportunities: Top tips for pension fund chairs and trustees
“I know that the impact of these risks will be felt throughout my portfolios – directly or indirectly. Therefore, understanding how my investee companies are addressing the nature-related risks (as well as climate-related) in their business will give me one angle. Knowing also how these risks affect the planet will be another, essential, angle to consider.”
Russell Picot, Chair of the HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme and Chair of A4S’s Asset Owners Network
50% of global GDP is directly dependent on nature. For pension funds, the impact of nature-related risks will be felt throughout their portfolios. These risks are easy to identify, but hard to quantify – with limited nature-related data and complex metrics posing as a significant barrier to action. Pensions need to apply a more flexible and narrative approach to managing risks and opportunities.
Download our top tips to see our step-by-step actions, including our five top tips. The guide also provides examples from pensions funds that have started this journey, and we invite every pension fund to join them reducing the risk to nature and accessing the opportunities, today.
This document is now available in English, German and French.