7 tips for entering the Finance for the Future Awards
This blog was written by Russell Picot in his capacity as the Head Judge of the Finance for the Future Awards.

It's a great honour to be the Head Judge of the Finance for the Future Awards for another year and I'm really looking forward to seeing this year's entrants.
Last year I was impressed by the passion, commitment and professionalism shown by my fellow judges. I was also impressed by the care with which all applicants have taken to present their award applications and for their level of information and quality. It is very encouraging to see.
Here are a few quick tips on what we are looking for and how to make the best of your entry:
- Involve the CFO. This goes a long way to impressing the judges and making a good quality entry.
- Show how your project delivers real change and encourages others to adopt similar behaviours. This is why the link between the project sponsor and the finance department is an essential ingredient: proving financial credibility is an important way to inspire action.
- Provide good evidence. These Awards aren't about CSR programmes. Sustainability should be integrated into the organization's business model. We want to see sustainability within the mainstream thought process to unlock value for the future.
- Show the business case. Keep to your natural finance instincts, your entry should add value to your organization.
- Be clear. Say what the issue was, what you did and what the outcome was. Be consistent and logical.
- Work with others. Give examples of how the finance team have worked collaboratively with other functions to achieve your results.
- Be unique, tell your story. We want to see your energy, passion and finance expertise shining through. We're looking forward to reviewing the diverse range of ideas, examples of how business models have been adapted and, of course, getting to know the creative people leading them.
Each year the Finance for the Future Awards increases in size, and we are expecting this to continue with you as a part of it.
I know I speak for the entire judging panel when I write that we are really excited to see this year's innovations in finance, and I hope our tips will help your entry. Picking the winners is going to be tough!
Russell Picot, 2017 Chair of the Judging Panel
You can enter the awards via: www.financeforthefuture.org/enter-finance-awards